1. main national legal and policy framework

– Sexual Offences Act 2012
– National Referral Protocol on Gender-Based Violence 2012
– Domestic Violence Act 2007
– Devolution of Estate Act 2007
– Registration of Customary Marriage and Divorce Act 2007
– Child Right Act 2007

– Agenda for Prosperity (PRSP, Strategic Plan Sierra Leone 2013-2018)


AMNet publications and documents

– AMNet broschure
– AMNet profile 2012
– Memorandum of Understanding to Ban Child FGM/C, Kailahun district
– AMNet’s approach to challenging FGM
 Memorandum of Understanding: cooperation between the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs and AMNet
– Village Savings and Loan Scheme
– Harmful Traditional Practices in Sierra Leone. A Desk Study – coming soon


3. Training Mannuals

– Generational Dialogue – under review